Installation Elitis and Tektura Combination, Northwood

Tektura wallpaper installed on a staircase in Northwood by Bluespec wallpaper installers.
Tektura wallpaper installed on a staircase in Northwood , UK.
Tektura wallcovering in brown installed on a wall with windows in Northwood.
Tektura wallcovering in brown colour installed in Northwood professionally.
Elitis and Tektura wallpapers combination in brown-beige colour palette hanging in Northwood, West London by Bluespoec wallpaper hangers.
Luxury wallpaper installation in a house in Northwood by Bluespec wallpaper installers.
Elitis patterned wallpaper installed in a private home by our wallpaper hanging teem, Northwood.

Elitis and Tektura Wallpapers Installation in Northwood.

Brand Installed:  Elitis, Tektura
Location: Northwood, West London
Client:  Private
Category: Residential Wallpaper Installation
We installed a great combination of two wallpapers in a private home in Northwood. Our clients have chosen Elitis and Tektura in brown-beige palette tones for their design.